Milk Cruelty Awareness

 Hey everyone,

I wanted to share something on my mind lately about milk and the dairy industry. Did you know that most of the milk we consume actually comes from buffalos, not cows? Buffalos are incredibly strong animals, and they naturally produce milk primarily for their calves.

Here's the heartbreaking part: in the dairy industry, when a buffalo gives birth, her calf is often killed immediately because the dairy industry sees no value in it. The buffalo, being the strong animal she is, instinctively holds onto her milk for her calf. But since her calf is no longer there, the dairy farmers inject her with oxytocin every day. Oxytocin is a hormone used to induce labour, causing the buffalo intense pain and forcing her to release the milk she was holding for her baby.

Imagine enduring labour pain every single day. It’s incredibly cruel and painful for the buffalo. This suffering is hidden behind every glass of milk and every dairy product we consume.

We have the power to make more compassionate choices. By choosing plant-based alternatives, we can help end this cycle of cruelty. Let’s think about the impact of our choices and consider giving up dairy for the sake of these gentle, suffering animals.

Thanks for reading.
