The Universal Function

Let's create a function; this function has one mandatory parameter, which is of type boolean. When this parameter is true, the human is alive; otherwise, the human is dead. This function can have many extra parameters; these parameters will be dynamic and can be added, removed, or have their values changed at runtime. However, if the first parameter is false, these extra parameters have no effect, as the human is considered dead. 

When a human is born, the first parameter will always be true. When the human dies, the first parameter will be false, rendering the rest of the parameters accumulated throughout the lifecycle of the function ineffective. This function is universal and common to every human destined to be born or die. 

If the aforementioned philosophy holds true, then all humans may not have an individual atma or soul. Instead, we might all be governed by that common function. In this context, it becomes inconsequential whether we are human or animal; this function could be programmed for both. Much like in programming languages where we can generate N number of species that interfere with nature, the basic property remains common for all — living or non-living. 

Living and non-living entities are constructed from the same elements found in nature. The living will always assert their existence, and recognizing that living and non-living are merely two different components of nature can bring clarity and compassion. After all, the living will eventually become non-living, merging seamlessly into the cycle of existence. Multiple functions will run, and the cycle will perpetually continue. 
